My teachings


Less is more

micro-movements are more effective in releasing tension from the body and restoring a healthy range of movement

Slowly does it

you can notice much more if you move slower and with more awareness, preventing the injuries

No pain - you gain!

any form of pushing or forcing will be counter-productive as it induces protective mechanisms of the nervous system

My somatic movement classes are gentle and mindful, bringing positive change, in the body and in the mind.

They are useful in daily life. You won’t do pretzel-like poses or build the muscles!

My sessions promote optimal health and ease of movement and regulate the nervous system.

Building Blocks

  • Breathwork

    the easiest way to access and influence the functioning of the nervous system.

    Intelligent, unforced breathwork facilitates release and brings ease into the movement.

  • Mindful Movement

    a movement where ease and minimum required effort is sought,

    Moving with awareness coupled with acceptance and self-compassion

  • Intuitive Movement

    connecting and listening to your body to figure out how it feels and what type of movement it needs

    Un-structured movement creates new nervous connections, reversing unhelpful postural habits

  • Somatics

    consciously engaging and releasing muscles

    One of the most effective ways to release deep-held tension in the body and 'awake' the muscles which are under-used.

"The practice is about exploration, not performance. "

— Vanda Scaravelli


Can I do your classes if I have XYZ condition?

Yes. My classes are inclusive and accessible to everyone. However, if you’d like to have classes more specifically tailored to your unique needs, you could try one-to-one sessions with me.

What exactly do you teach?

I don’t follow any particular school or technique. My classes are eclectic, blending elements of Scaravelli-inspired yoga, yin yoga, restorative yoga, somatics, qui gong, intuitive movement, functional movement and breathwork.

I’m not fit at all. Can I come to your class?

Of course! You won’t be ‘behind’ or ‘less advanced’ as there is no grading or competition in my classes. You’ll start learning to be more aware and how to rewire the nervous system. You don’t need to be strong or flexible to embark on this path.

Find the best class for you.